Vonk Centrale

  • Medium: window lettering
  • Year: 2024
  • Client: Kunstplaats Vonk

Window let­ter­ing for a new tem­po­rary build­ing of Kunstplaats Vonk. The build­ing acts as a plat­form and pre­sen­ta­tion space for (per­form­ing) arts. Kunstplaats Vonk is a non-prof­it arts orga­ni­za­tion that enhances the devel­op­ment of visu­al and trans­dis­ci­pli­nary per­for­mance artists, aim­ing to build sus­tain­able pro­fes­sion­al careers. The shapes in the let­ter­ing are processed sculp­tures by Niels Vaes.

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