Playground – Live Arts Festival 2022

  • Medium: visual identity
  • Year: 2022
  • Client: M Leuven & STUK
  • In collaboration with: Joris Verdoodt

Visual iden­ti­ty for Playground – Live Arts Festival Leuven, a col­lab­o­ra­tion between STUK and M Leuven. Playground offers a plat­form to artists unbound to a sin­gle dis­ci­pline and work­ing at the inter­face between the stage and con­tem­po­rary art. The pro­gram merges per­for­mances, instal­la­tions, film, con­sul­tan­cy, musi­cals and chore­og­ra­phy into chal­leng­ing per­for­mances that bring objects and bod­ies together.

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